The home screen of the mobile app POTSie, which contains hydration, salt, and CHOP exercise trackers.

Discover what improves and triggers your POTS

Find correlations between your symptoms and habits

Having POTS is hard enough. Figuring out how to manage it shouldn't be. Track your habits and treatment to find out what works best for you and overcome your POTS.

Symptom tracker

Identify triggers and symptoms by quickly logging when your having issues

Hydration tracker

Ensure you're getting enough water with a customizable water tracker

Sodium tracker

Track your sodium intake to make sure you're getting enough in your diet

CHOP Exercise Protocol tracker

Manage your exercise schedule with the CHOP Exercise Protocol exercise tracker

Historical data

View your historical data to see how you've been doing


Available for both Android and iOS

Android ยท iOS


Start easily managing your POTS to figure out how to improve your symptoms

Want more features for managing your POTS?

If there is a feature you want for managing your POTS but it's not in POTSie, reach out and let me know. I'll do my best to get it added as soon as possible.

Made by a person with POTS

Living with Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) can be a challenging journey filled with uncertainty and frustration. From finding doctors that will properly diagnose you, identifying an effective treatment strategy, and managing symptoms, individuals with POTS often face numerous hurdles. My own experience with POTS...


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