POTSie Journal

Link to the article titled Managing POTS Syndrome: How Increasing Salt Reduces POTS Symptoms.

Managing POTS Syndrome: How Increasing Salt Intake Reduces POTS Symptoms

When I was diagnosed with POTS, my doctor emphasized the importance of adopting a high-sodium diet.

Read more about salt's influence on POTS
A women on an upright bike following the CHOP Protocol for POTS by exercising at the gym

CHOP Protocol and POTS: An Exercise Program for POTS

Exercising with POTS can be tiring, even for those who were physically active before being diagnosed with POTS. During exercise, blood pools in the legs, exacerbating symptoms. The CHOP exercise Protocol for POTS is an exercise routine designed to assist with POTS by

Read more about the CHOP protocol
Link to the article titled My POTS Exercise Journey: Managing Symptoms With Effective Exercises

Exercising with POTS: Improving my Symptoms with a POTS Workout Plan

Doctors frequently recommend exercise as a foundational approach to managing POTS symptoms. However, what many people don’t realize is that not all exercises are helpful.

Read more about exercising with POTS
Link to the article titled Why I Created POTSie

Why I Created POTSie

Living with Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) can be a challenging journey filled with uncertainty and frustration. My own experience with POTS led me on a path of discovery that ultimately resulted in the creation of POTSie — an app designed to simplify the management of POTS symptoms and help people get back to doing the things they enjoy in life.

Learn more POTSie